Saturday, October 4, 2008

Schnucks' Greatest Hits!

Ideally, I'd conduct ALL my grocery shopping at Common Ground Food Co-op, which is practically across the street from my house. But sometimes I require midnight runs for cheap sushi, generic cat food, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch—and a kick-ass soundtrack while doing it. Which is why I'll go to Schnucks. In the past few months I've heard XTC, Squeeze ("Pulling Mussels from a Shell", NOT "Tempted"), the Ramones, and Low-era David Bowie. Most grocery stores sadistically force their customers to peruse the aisles to AM dreck like "Loves Me Like a Rock" or "Get Closer." But Schnucks is committed to creating the ultimate New Wave shopping experience for its customers.

Unfortunately, in my most recent outings, I've suspected a drastic format change. Starship has replaced Talk Talk; Rod Stewart has replaced Gary Numan. I'm afraid Schnucks might be going the way of bland contemporaries like Kroger and County Market. What gives?

1 comment:

William said...

There is nothing in the selection or layout of Schnucks to suggest that there is any hipness in the corporate structure that oversees it. I've always imagined that in the back, somewhere near the walk-in freezer units, is a DJ - one of the guys from behind the deli counter, perhaps - in a white coat, clutching headphones to one ear, spinning.